
Do Your Cleaning Methods Effect Your Pets?

Often times we don’t put enough thought into the cleaning solutions that we purchase and use. But when it comes down to it, it’s worth paying attention to, if only for the sake our pets’ health! Many everyday cleaning solutions are made up of chemicals that could harm your pet in several ways.

The following cleaning solutions may be harmful your pets: 

Counter Cleaners

Is your dog known for counter surfing? Be careful which counter cleaner you’re using. You also might want to wash your dog’s water dish after cleaning, too, as the spray can sometimes contaminate Fido’s water. 

Air Fresheners

If your dog has allergies, air fresheners could potentially aggravate them. Instead of using spray air fresheners or plug in scents, try diffusing essential oils or even making potpourri! 

Toilet Bowl Cleaners

Definitely pay attention to what type of toilet bowl cleaner you’re using if your pet is known to sneak a drink or two from the commode. Try not to use bleach or ammonia (we know… they work so well). 

Fabric Softeners

Did you know that fabric softener sheets (especially ones that haven’t been used yet) can be harmful to your dog? They contain some detergents that could induce oral ulcers, vomiting, and more. 

Floor Cleaners

Think about it: your dog spends almost all of their time on the floor. What kind of floor cleaner do you use? Read the caution labels on your cleaning bottles and make sure the solution is safe for pets. If it isn’t, try a natural mixture- or steam cleaning, which is perfectly safe for everyone, including pets! 

If you’re looking for a safer, more pet-friendly method of cleaning, why not try out steam cleaning? Hire the professionals to clean and restore your home in an efficient, timely manner. Contact The Steam Team today for more details!